
DSC_0624-1We understand that money is an important factor, which is why we’re trying to keep our prices low.

Please note that after the first hour we charge our customers per half-hour.

Moving within Brno

This rate is valid when the departure and destination places are within the area marked on this map (Brno without outskirt areas). Otherwise, we count kilometers, as it is moving out of Brno (below).

Variant Rate
van + 1 worker from 650 Kč / hour
van + 2 workers from 950 Kč / hour
large box van + 3 workers includes driver from 1450 Kč / hour
+ 1 extra worker from 270 Kč / hour
based on difficulty

The arrival of the van is FREE. Time is counted from the arrival of van till the last piece is unloaded

ATTENTION! In case you are moving to/from the Brno historical city center, we will need a permit that we can handle for you or we need to use your hours for visitors via Brno city portal. Please read More information here(will be updated soon)

Moving out of Brno

To get a quote, please contact us!

  • Price consists of kilometers rate + duration rate.
  • Kilometers are counted for the whole journey from our depot to your destination and back.
  • For moving abroad (international moving) – total sum is discounted up to 30% 🙂 Please, contact us for estimating the price.

To give you a better idea about the total cost of our services: (prices are approximate)
Smaller-scale move within Brno – CZK 650 to 1100, bigger-scale (full flat) – CZK 5000 – 10000
Transport from Brno to Prague  – from CZK 5500 (45min load, 45min unload + journey),
Transport from IKEA Brno to the city centre –  from CZK 900 (within 1 hour), IKEA external storage Tuřany +250 CZK

Boxes for your moving!

We are ready to lend you classic banana boxes – 52 x 39 x 24 cm, load capacity: 30 kg, and other kind of boxes. This service is (usually) suitable only for moving within Brno.

Delivery of boxes before moving / picking up the boxes after moving within Brno  600 CZK
Personal pick up OR give back of boxes  100 CZK
Cost of box lease: 1 – 10 boxes  FREE
Refundable deposit  300 CZK
  • The “worker” mentioned always assists with the move.
  • The arrival of the van in Brno is not counted to the duration of moving.
  • If you want to save money, please put everything that needs to be transported in front of your house or outside your door, and dismantle all bigger pieces of furniture.
  • If at all possible, please reserve a space for our van in front of your house. The closer to your building our van will be, the faster and cheaper the move.
  • You can pay either with cash at the end of the move or via bank transfer. In case of a bigger move, we will ask for half the price in cash as an advance payment. Please contact us to discuss the details.
  • We can prepare a bill on request.
  • Price in EUR is only informal. The real price in EUR is counted from the price in CZK according to the actual exchange rate.
  • Please check your things immediately after our worker brings them to the new flat. Later claims will not be taken into account.